
Monday, March 10, 2008 -
WomenBloom was created by Allison Allen in August 2007 with the goal of inspiring and supporting women to ‘bloom’ in mid-life.

Our generation of women stands at a unique intersection of Possibility and Challenge. We come to mid-life with better health, more skills, more options and varying circumstances than ever before. Along with the positives, however, often come complicated changes in families and relationships, our bodies, and our self-identity.

To address both the possibilities and the challenges of our 'second adulthood', WomenBloom serves as:

* an online community for supporting each other by sharing our mid-life experiences and perspectives
* a resource for information, services, and products to help us make the most of this time of our lives, whether more possibility or more challenge

What is midlife? I'm likely there. But denial isn't all bad. If this is the middle... that means I can't go back and ahead time is just getting shorter. I don't mind to die. I just don't want to miss all the good parts ahead. That really does annoy me. Like reading a really good book and finding all the pages in the last chapter were ripped out.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Yes, Tell It To Me Tuesday is my creation. Thanks for stopping by and asking!:)