How long have you been blogging?
I started in 1998. The current blog was started in 2004.
What inspired you to start a blog and who are your mentors?
Not sure who my mentors would be. Debbie from InkSpot, though her site is long gone. There was a lady who had a beautiful blog template with a ladybug but I doubt I could find her again, if she still has the same blog or any blog at all. I think she was Canadian too.
I was inspired to blog because I loved the creativity, the spirit and freedom to publish anything my heart and mind could dream up. As long as I could find a way to get it to work.
Are you trying to make money online, or just doing it for fun?
Making money from blogging just doesn't seem right to me. I'm from the time when the Internet was a free exchange of information and personal publishing was just for the sheer joy of being creative in a new medium.
What 3 things do you love about being online?
Finding new things. Whether it is a new blog gadget, a new form of art or something else I had never thought of, I love finding something new to explore.
I like the whole area of personal/ indie/ diy publishing. It's a great freedom and adventure to be able to put something up in a blog and find other people actually caring or being interested enough to read it, comment and even come back for more.
I love that it is available. Better than a city that never sleeps, being online is like being part of a whole world, an entire planet that never sleeps.
What 3 things do you struggle with online?
There are times when I don't find anything new and I feel a bit jaded, like there just isn't anything new to find. If I am addicted to being online it shows during those times.
Giving too much of myself, making too many commitments and promises. I see so many things I would like to try, to do and to take part in but there is no way I can do them all and still have a life outside of the Internet.
Loneliness. Surrounded by virtual people I sometimes feel really alone. I often blog with the TV on to have noise or something else to connect me to the rest of the world. I really enjoy KoL Radio for this same reason. It's live radio while you chat on the site.
Not passing this on to anyone specifically. But let me know if you do it. I'd like to read how others think and answer the same questions.
Nice to meet you! Thanks for coming by my blog! I love learning about others who visit me!
Very cool post... hmmm now I'm thinking about my answers to these questions and will post it in a few days. Btw, thanks for stopping by my site. :)
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