
Monday, February 4, 2008

Manic Monday: Blue

For Manic Monday... getting the blue.


Cheerio said...

A blue moon and a blue jeans. That's awesome.

Ingrid said...

That is short and clear, lol !

oneluvgurl said...

Nice and short! Love it! :)

Mine is here! Happy MM!

Mariposa said...

Brief message! Cool! Happy MM!

LAC said...

great idea.

Ian said...

I wear jeans every day for work, although today they're brown not blue.


Durward Discussion said...

Cute cartoon and well done for the theme.

maryt/theteach said...

Great drawing, great post! Happy MM! :)

Anonymous said...

cool!! I love your MM interpretation!

Sandee said...

I love blue jeans and at my age I still wear them. I would love to see a blue moon too. Have a great MM. :)

Unknown said...

Come on over and check out my blue skies! Nice Monday BLUE!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am working on the entrecard browser v 2, we will have categories and only verified blogs to drop cards... it will come out soon :)