Posted for Scrolling Sunday...
Saturday, July 03, 2004
I'm tired. What a boring post. There are lots of things I could write about but I'm just too tired. Bloody, boring, rubbish. Just go read something else.
Did I mention my plan to go downtown in Toronto and attend a BDSM munch on the 6th? I don't really want to go anymore. I don't feel enthusiastic or hopeful. But, it will be an adventure. I could write about it all in agonizing detail for the adult BW column.
What I'd really like is to meet someone, a guy who isn't a dickhead. A guy who really wants a woman in his life and not just someone to play games with. I'm so tired of being disappointed and lied to, one way or another.
I'm a good person. I'm a nice girl. I'm cute. Dammit! I deserve more than a dickhead and I deserve to find someone who can put as much passion, creativity and honesty into loving me as I can give to him.
Bite me!
Sadly, not much has changed. Yet. I haven't given up entirely.
Yes, I know it's Scrolling Saturday. Today is Sunday though. Next week it can be Saturday again.
hey...thanks for playing scrolling saturday!!
guys are dickheads. you just have to find one whose dickheadedness is acceptable to you! i did. sometimes it's hard, though. because, quite frankly...men are stupid! i'm not a man hater...but, i was just stating a simple and obvious fact. not all men...just a lot of them.
have you tried internet dating? there are a ton of sites out there. it's how i met my hubby. how a bunch of people i know met their significant others!
as for the blogroll...i wish i knew how to do it. i would, if i could...but sadly...i'm a technological idiot!!
have a great sunday and i look forward to reading next weeks installment of scrolling saturday!
It's nice to meet another Canadian blogger!
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