
Friday, May 9, 2008

Scribbles by Madeline Diamond

Scribbles from Madeline Diamond.
The working mind of a vagabond artist, who's private sanctuary she has named Red Shoes Studios.

Madeline Diamond Art
There is a rumour going around that not everyone can do art. I'm here to put clarity into that statement by saying "what a lot of phooey"... there is a difference between "can't" and "won't", look it up. There are also no rules in what art is considered to be. Just because your work isn't displayed in art galleries around the world with everyone oooohing and aaahing over it, doesn't make it less important. So here's a challenge for all those who say "can't" -
pick out three colours you like, let it be pencils, pens, crayons, texta's (whatever is at hand), cut out an image from a paper or a magazine that appeals to you and stick it on an A4 sheet of paper (paper from your printer will do) - alter the image with the three colours you have chosen, but don't think about what kind of outcome you want, that will just come naturally.
Use swirls, straight lines, squiggly lines, circles, smudges, whatever, but fill the page with colour.
Now stand back and look at what you've done..
you've just created art!


lattégirl said...

Which simply confirms your doodles as art, but I already considered it as such. ;-)

Anonymous said...

I love that she wrote that as well, like you that was what first drew me to her blog. :)

I need to find out more about your doodles week. :) I have some doodles that I've been meaning to post and that could be a good excuse. lol

DoubleDeckerBusGuy said...

Sadly, I've always thought people were a touch confused when they say they "Can't Do Art"... I often correct them and say, You have troubles creating something artistic that measures up to your own expectations... but that doesn't mean it doesn't measure up to someone else's.

Also, what is "art"? I mean, I sometimes marvel at my abilities to properly work on a computer... looking at the fruits of my labours with pride thinking, That's a work of art, that is! and I think that although no one might want to put my cabling jobs in a museum, I'm equally sure that's how the stone masons felt that built arches in cathedrals long ago... and that's art... but they probably thought, This is work. It's only functional. yet the pride of craftsmanship is there.

Getting back to the original, however, one person's scribbles is another person's work of artistic merit... and neither is "wrong" for appreciating it.

A goodly post! Thanks for sharing it!