
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Once Upon a Borg

National Stick Figure Week was mentioned in Arbitrary Ruminations- But I can't find it anywhere. I think they have all been assimilated.

I did find a stick figure blog but still new and definitely a boy blog. Boy humour with fart jokes and big boobs.


Anonymous said...

But fart jokes can be really funny sometimes..... ;-)

Wendy said...

Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the daily dose of laughter your blog provides. You never fail to amaze!

Lorna said...

Laura, I'm glad you stopped by---we do have some friends in common, and I really like your reaction to "disremember"ing. As an any-version-of-Star-Trek-fan, I can appreciate your Borg renditions.

crpitt said...

Hooray for stick figures :)

Do my doodles count?