I think the biggest upcoming things for blogs is going to be about clutter and making them look cleaner overall. So many blogs are stuffed full of ads, traffic and seo rank related things that it's hard to find anything in the sidebar that could actually be interesting.
I found a few links today about fixing blog clutter.
Lorelle on Word Press has written about Cleaning Up and Decluttering.
Skelliewag has 50 Tips to Unclutter your Blog and A Guide to Creating a Minimalist Website
ProBlogger writes about Minimalist Blogging too.
Supper Blogging Tips has written Unclutter your Sidebar.
Blogging Tips has Remove the Clutter from your Blog.
Wisdump has the Resurrection of the Sidebar.
Pro Blog Design has Sidebar Redesign.
There are so many endless, bottomless posts about how to add more to your blog, your sidebar and your search rank. Why is there so very little good information to be found about making a site reduce it's clutter and become readable again?
To take it to the barebones of the clutter situation it's about taking what you need and keeping it and then tossing everything else, no excuses and no saving stuff you only think would be nice to keep or might be good later on or gives you an ego boost but does nothing for your blog itself or those coming to read your blog.
Decluttering does not have to be heartless. If you really can't delete it all consider making a footer with three columns. Just like sweeping the dirt under the rug, keeping a junk drawer in the kitchen or a closet stuffed full of stuff you don't have time to deal with.
There are also ways to roll up the clutter so it is not visible in full but available at the touch of a mouse. There are two types of roll away clutter busters and I'm not really sure what they official standard names are for them. Lets call one the scrolling window and the other the scrolling title.
Another plan to move clutter off your front page is to give it a page of it's own and just link back to it. Or, categories set up like an index with the same link back plan.
I need to look at some of these links.
hey thanks for those! I've actually been working on mine a bit and though I kept more than I had, I've redesigned it a bit and I feel a whole lot better about it! :) Still going to have a peek at your links though, I am forever tweaking my blog(s).
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