
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

TrackBack for Bloggers

Not sure how or if it works but there is an interesting script through Grease Monkey for Blogger trackbacking. I have not really had much interest in the commenting fuss. I try to send a note back to those who comment here but I have not been keeping up really well lately.

Anyway, The Buzz, had a link to this and I have yet to test it out (or figure it out). I do see it on my Blogger screen now. I need to find out just what the thing is capable of.


Anonymous said...

Hi! That grrl, Thanks for the link...Trackback is to ping the author and informing that you are talking about one their article (Linkback in bloggers).

Just like what you just posted here, if you have already downloaded the greasemonkey and follow the instruction you can then put a trackback into my post.

Then you get confirmation and your done.

Full detail of this trackback is at

Thank and try it, it's fun learning new things.

Anonymous said...

Trackbacks, I'm still not sure myself on that one. I know what it is, and I'm sure it's very useful. Maybe just because I'm not that popular yet.

There's so much to learn with blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hy, congratulations for your blog.