
Friday, March 21, 2008

Poinsettia is Growing New Leaves

New life on the poinsettia planet. I've kept it alive over the winter. Seemed it was not making it overall. But, today I had a look and it is good! New growth at the top of it. That was nice to see.


Cynthia Blue said...

Very cool! I never had much luck keeping Poinsettia's alive.

lattégirl said...

We both have new leaves on pointsettias! I got mine at Christmas from my mom. It still has a few red leaves on it, but more importantly, it is chock-full of tiny new green leaves. It has one large original leaf still hanging in there.

My last attempt to keep a pointsettia alive lasted just over a year, and then it really died. I suppose some plant food wouldn't hurt, this time around.

Anonymous said...

I've been trying to keep a poinsettia alive for the past year and a half. It's not dead, but the red leaves are so tiny! It's not as lush. Maybe it needs some plant food, or something.

Laura Brown said...

From my experience I would say the poinsettias like to be kind of dry. Let them dry out before you water again. Don't use plant food. Keep in mind they grow as a weed in their native environment. Don't baby it, let it think it has to struggle.

To get the leaves to turn red next year it needs 12 hours of daylight and then 12 hours of darkness. Not so easy to do here.

I had one that lived a couple of years before but not much luck getting a full head of red leaves again. It finally died when I moved and all my plants (even my favourite cacti) died from some kind of fungus. That was a sad week.