
Thursday, May 3, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

I am away in Newmarket. Lots sort of going on out here. My Mom bought a house in Barrie on Friday/ Saturday. I have only seen it from the street so far. Kind of having a bad/ interesting day today. Soon we are leaving to talk to the siblings (mine), have spaghetti dinner and play canasta. More going on than I want to talk about even inside my own head. Family can really kill you, suck you dry and make you feel it's all your fault. I'm not on the sunny side of optimism right now. You couldn't guess though, right? :)

I think I will be back on my own computer at some point over the weekend. I have some of my tax refunds back and am already looking at the computer bundles for sale. I really want a bundle as I am looking forward to a new thin monitor rather than the big clunker hoarding my desk space now. August is the best time to get a deal but I don't know if I can hold out that long. Silly not to and yet, when you really are looking forward to something this much, it's hard to wait.

Leigh has tagged me as a thinking blogger. Thanks Leigh. I will pull together a list of five blogs too. Blogs that make you come back to see if what they wrote the first time was who they really are. I know which blogs make me laugh but they aren't the same as those which make me think. Though smart humour is the best of all kinds. Sometimes it's great to find a site that stirs around the much just lurking in your brain. I really like a blog that gives me ideas.

So that is how things are going, pretty much sideways. It is possible I will be moving as soon as June. Not a lot of time left for Toronto. I'd stay if I could find something that would pay rent, groceries and bus fare with a bit left over for spending on non-essentials to prevent cabin fever and insanity in general. Sometimes retail therapy is needed even though I scoff at being a shopping grrl. I shop for new bed linens, books and other good things. I need more of those things about as much as I need a huge zit on the end of my nose. (I just got rid of one).

1 comment:

lattégirl said...

I didn't know that August is a good time to get deals... because I'm seriously thinking of getting a flat screen monitor myself. You're right about the big old clunkers taking up so much space. I'm pretty sure the old monitors will eventually become obsolete, like Beta cassettes.

Retail therapy. Bed linens. I have no bed linens! I bought flatware yesterday, and was thinking of getting some sheets, but my feet were starting to hurt at that point and more walking didn't appeal.

Barrie. I have a brother and SIL in Barrie, and another pair of same very close by. Maybe one of these years when I'm in that area to visit family, I'll get to meet you.