I'm not sure which street this was on. I got a bit turned around in my directions when I came along the street to see this house. I had to turn back and of course took advantage of the wide space for turning in front of this old place. It is in Aurora, near Vivian and Bayview (my best guess). I'm not sure why all the photos came out so light. I think it might be the weather. Very cold and snowy today. Welcome to Spring, eh?
My mother and stepdad live in Aurora. That house is in the old quarter.
It must have been moved lattegirl. It was just sitting there with iron beams under it, as if it came off a truck. No other houses around and it is in an area where many other old places were taken down recently. You know that corner on Aurora side road where there is a new gas station, not far west of the highway? That is where it was, down that side street.
My mistake. Well, it is a very cool old house. I guess someone is moving it in order to preserve it, cuz you just have to look at the construction of those corners to see it's ancient...
There are some neat old houses in the old part of Aurora. Then again, the old parts of any town are the best.
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