
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

What are Nice Girls?

What are nice girls like?

Before you start reading any of this, know that he describes himself as a nice misogynist and believes all women should be burned. What a sweetie.


Foilwoman said...

He sounds just a bit frustrated to me. Maybe I'm imagining it (but I don't think I am)?

Happy and Blue 2 said...

I like what he is saying and I want to sign up for his newsletter, tee,hee..

Laura Brown said...

He sounds like a bitter, divorced, woman. But, that's just my thought.

Happy is going to join a man cult. Go Happy. But, I don't think you'll meet many women there.

Foilwoman said...

Happy should start taking knitting classes. Lots of women, he'll be the only guy and fussed over. What's not to like?