
Friday, February 3, 2006

Moving... Slowly... Eventually I Will Get it There

Moving to Blogsome.


Happy and Blue 2 said...

You are always going somewhere..

Laura Brown said...

So true. I had decided to stick with Blogger but now I'm moving anyway. Will you miss me?

Put away that slingshot.

Laura Brown said...

Yes, I'm gone. That's why I'm not answering you.

Laura Brown said...

I haven't totally decided. Friday I may have time to fix Blogger. Or I will figure out how to mangle Blogsome more to my liking. I'm not sure how Blogsome works for sticking up pictures. Likely I will have to host them all which I can do, if I wasn't kind of lazy about ftping them first. I'd like of like to move everything from here over to there too, if I can.

Arrgggh. too much to do.

Laura Brown said...

I have my domain to host them on. I just get lazy about ftping them there and then adding the link to them where ever I want them to appear online. Plus I really should clean out all the images I'm not still using which I have stuck on my domain. It's getting cluttered. :)