
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do You Really Want a Personal Blog?

I posted this over on the CMF Ads forum. A response to someone who was interested in starting a personal blog but didnt' seem to really want to write too much about themselves or have a select group of the public masses read it. I'm sticking my comment in here cause later I will want to read it and remember I wrote about the nose picking thing a fourth time now. What a twit I am. :)

I read your first post and nothing else. My first thought was why do you want to do a personal blog? Seems you are all against the whole point of a personal blog. Plus you don't want one set of people to read it yet want to promote it to find readers. Which is it?

I've been keeping a personal blog since 1998. My current one started in 2004. It's freewriting. It's temper tantrums. It's rants and links you want to find later but forget all about and then realize they just didn't matter all that much anyway. I go for months without promoting my blog. I don't write it for anyone really so what does it matter who reads it. I don't even know why I read it some days. I've been through a divorce in my personal blog. I've been through immigration, toe lint, nose picking and the agonies of online dating. I've written about being very unhappy and I've written about the best days in my life. I write things I hope family don't read but still I post them, daring fate. If you can't write about all of that in your own slant what is the point? Stick to a topical/ niche blog.

I don't hide much about who I am. If you find yourself in Barrie, Ontario you can find me there. That is a real photo of me in this forum. If I looked like a movie star I'd plaster more of them around. Having a personal blog is liberating. I don't give my URL to anyone I know but they sometimes find it. Most of them are not Internet types so they read one post and wander off like cows grazing in a field.

I've had two online stalkers in the time I have been online. I have had my blog hacked once (mild stuff and once I changed the password it was over). I've had people go totally off their rockers when I posted about being Pagan and really go bonkers when I posted about being a Witch. Then I posted about picking my nose and I had tons of comments from people laughing along with me. That's what a personal blog is. Throw caution to the wind, sit back and laugh at yourself.


Lucia said... a Jerry Seinfeld show...a show about nothing but really it's a show about everything. I myself blog because I want to share my daily boring and uneventful life that seems to be eventful and not so boring in it's own way and if I don't make sense then "whoever" can move on like cows in a grazing field...

lattégirl said...

Since I started my blog years ago it has always evolved, from rants to addiction to recovery to... whatever it is now, along with a period of paid blogging and desperate work to achieve a better page rank. Ten of my family members read it and none of them ever comment there - they usually send me an email instead. So I am pretty much keeping it safe for public consumption - not because my family is a bunch of prudes, but because I am! And I do enjoy posting an eclectic mix of stuff to keep them wondering.

Patricia Rockwell said...

I'm so glad to have refound (?) your blog. Your reasons for writing a personal blog are much like mine. I'm a little more cautious writing about some things (my children, for instance) as I know WHO reads it. I tend to be much more forthcoming in comments to the blogs of others because I know my family members will not read these comments.