1. Being kidnapped for a romantic evening with someone I like even though he has awful bad breath and an oozing sore on his back.
2. Finding a winning lottery ticket even though it expired last week.
3. Shopping in my favourite bookstore, even after realizing I forgot my wallet at home and can't buy anything.
4. Eating chocolate on chocolate cheesecake even if it means I will gain 20 pounds.
5. Backpacking through Europe even though I get chased by wild dogs halfway through the trip and never do get past Venice.
6. On a fancy, luxurious woodland retreat, all expenses paid... even though the blackflies try to eat me alive each time I step outside.
7. Being given a free year of Second Cup lattes even though I have to sit through several hours of a telemarketing time share scam first.
8. Getting up close to the wild cats in the zoo, really getting to pet them and feel all that fur... though at some point one of the cougars gets a bit too friendly and I almost lose an eye.
9. Finding a bag full of cash even though when I take it home to count (over $100,000!) there's a deadly poisonous lizard at the bottom of the bag and I have to drag myself to the hospital for the anti venom or die in agony.
10. Riding a real, live dragon which I get to be friends with and travel around the world, free.... as long as I can hang on... it's a really, really long way down.
11. Decorating a house of my own, my dream house and yard, even though it's on right beside a really busy subway station in downtown Toronto where all kinds of litter blows into my precious yard.
12. Having my first book published and get a lot of great media attention but still flop mightily cause Oprah said she didn't care for it all that much.
13. A free visit to the dentist, have all the work I need done free, for as long as I can sit in the chair while he drills into my head.
I think work is starting to sound better after that dentist thing... Hi Ho.. Hi Ho... It's off to work I go....
Happy Thursday Thirteen!
I do hope you enjoy your work just a little! When faced with some awful task, we always say that we'd rather have a root canal!
Happy TT. Come visit.
What a super idea for to list 13 things you'd rather be doing than going to work! Life's too short! This should be a Meme! If so, past it on to me please!
Cindi - Moomettesgram
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