Today while getting dressed, putting on my new shirt from Penningtons along with the red panties I bought too. I was thinking that they should run an ad in women's magazines with a woman standing at the site of an abandoned house (I'm going to a good one today) with her camera and show that fat women are doing interesting things and having adventures too. We are more than our lard/ pounds/ etc. Don't you think that would sell more plus sized clothes than the apologetic type of ads they run now? Sure it's nice to see those fat acceptance things but do we really believe any of that? Try dating and you'll soon be taking off those rose coloured glasses. But, that doesn't mean larger women are just sitting at home eating more cupcakes to console themselves. No way. We are getting out there in the world. You can't just get rid of us. We don't make a nice, tidy pile for one thing.
Then I was thinking about how women in general get kind of shafted into the whole pretty/ beauty thing. A man gets a different kind of compliment. A woman gets complimented on her looks more often than anything else.
I know a lot of stuff is based on looks and women are especially born into the life of having to be pretty. But, we don't have to bore ourselves with the same old compliments. They become kind of meaningless.
Instead, when a friend has a new hair cut, don't tell her it makes her look younger or sexy. Tell her it makes her look mysterious, maybe even a little dangerous! Wouldn't you like to hear that yourself. Doesn't it sound a lot better than saying it's pretty. Besides, don't we all secretly want to be seen as a mysterious, dangerous secret agent spy chick? Or live the life of the free spirit, bohemian like Desperately Seeking Susan?
So share that. Tell friends they look mysterious... even a little... dangerous. Leave pretty for the boys, see how they like to be called something empty and generic like pretty. Pretty what?
Art Grrll-
In my experience, it's the BBW's who actually ARE doing the adventurous, mysterious things. For what it's worth, it's no picnic for BHM either.
-Keep The Mystery Alive!
I know the big guys don't have it much easier. Maybe in different ways it's harder as men expect each other to be athletic and able to lift tall buildings. Women, as we get older, seem to have less expectations for other women and more for ourselves.
I married a BHM. Dating a smaller guy after the divorce was funny. I think once you go BHM you never go back.
Maybe you read too many magazines or watch too much tv - but in real life the super skinny is less attractive then the slighly overweight. In my experience with men, they definitely perfer to have some meat on the bones and are turned off by the skinny ones. Besides, woman aren't supposed to look like they do in those magazines, those woman are unhealthy and unnatural - it grosses me out. Of course, I also think its unhealthy to be super fat - everything in moderation, right? Sorry, I didn't mean to get all long winded there, I just get very tired of seeing woman who strive for model thin bodies.
It's funny how men in general say how they like more meat on their bones etc. Even men in my circle of friends say that too. Well put a big breasted waif in front of them, they forget your there! Men have fickle minds. Mind you so do some ladies too.
P.S. just to add something...how come these designer idiots who make nice designer clothes for waifs don't make them in bigger sizes for us plus size gals, they'd be making a ton of money if they did!
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