
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: Fridge Space

Sunday Scribblings: Fridge Space

My first thought about fridge space is how there is outside and inside. Inside you have milk, eggs and all the other things we keep cold to keep them around a bit longer. Things our Grandmothers would have put into a root cellar if they had one. My Mother remembers when they still had an ice box.

But the main thing I was thinking about fridge space is the outside. That big white door. I have a collection of fridge magnets, some are getting a little broken or chipped from moving- town to city, house to house and fridge to fridge. I have some coupons which I usually forget to bring with me when I could use them. I have artwork drawn and painted by my nieces. I have some photos. Old photos of my brother as a little guy and newer photos from some family holiday in the recent past.

I like the outside fridge space cause it's so much like having a blog, scrapbook or writing notebook. How you fill your fridge space is totally, uniquely you!

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myrtle beached whale said...

we think alike. good post.

rel said...

You are so right on grrl!
You can tell alot about a person or family simply by reading their refrigerator. ;)

Linda Jacobs said...

You are right; fridge dorrs are like scrapbook pages! I never thought of that before! Cool!

Tumblewords: said...

Right, exactly! Nice post!

Heather said...

So true! You can learn a lot about a person by what they hang on their fridge. ;o)