I promise to eat ice cream on New Year's Eve, even if I have to do it all by myself.
I will continue to look at houses (occasionally, not obsessively) in the real estate flyers and buy lottery tickets about once a month or so.
I will try to actually sleep in the hours after my shift at work ends at midnight and the daylight cracks open the sky at dawn.
I will keep seeking out the finest fancy coffee in Ontario, no matter how much of it I have to drink along the way.
I will keep up with the routine for laundry, going to work and all that standard stuff.
I'm going to learn XHTML (at least more than I do now) and finish revamping my site, this year.
I won't give up on finding a guy who appreciates some of the things I do: being reliable, a little romance, some old traditions and making new ones, intelligent conversation, art and being creative, smiling and the odd bit of sensual kinky sex.
I won't pick up bugs or other really icky things that make me cringe.
I won't make promises and commitments I can't keep and I will try not to let anyone pressure me into making any such commitments. Not even myself.

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