
Friday, May 4, 2007

I'm a Thinking Blogger

Thank you Leigh for the Thinking Blogger Award. She even likes my doofus drawings. :)

There are a few rules for those who win and pass along the Thinking Blogger Award.
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs which make you think.

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.

3. Optional: Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award.

Blogs that make me think (not specifying what they make me think about):

Happy and Blue2: Though he stopped publishing his blog (yet again) so I am linking to the Useless Men where his remains linger. Or where he can still be found, pick one. I miss his blog, his little animal stories and especially those family Christmas and renovations posts. He always made me think there was hope, that a real woman really could find a real man and not need to hide the body later.

Rainy Pete: What do you expect from a strange man wearing a red clown nose? His photos will make you laugh in spite of yourself or wish you could have been there to see the scene as he must have seen it. He's a guy who makes being a husband and Father and living in Hamilton look good. No small task, especially in the case of Steel Town.

Death By Children: I'm new to reading Christopher's blog. Another Dad, is that some kind of coincedence? He writes long posts with a lot of thought about the everyday things in life. There is humour but often some really interesting bit of truth and male insight.

Jann Arden: Yes, that Jann Arden. She's a Canadian songwriter, a sometimes fat grrl too and I like to play her CDs cause not many songs can really make me cry and then laugh in a really evil, wicked way. Her journal is really open and I bet she thinks she says too much too easily, cause I think the same about what I write.

Dave MacIntyre: Sometimes I skim, cause I am out of patience for poetry. But, even reading between the lines you catch something of the spirit here with the photos and the poetry. A lot of time and thought has gone into this blog.


lattégirl said...

I've been reading Jann's blog for a long time. There is always something in it to make me smile or cry. She writes beautifully.

Rainypete said...

But the real question is what does my stuff make you think of? Actually AI think we might be better off not knowing!!

Laura Brown said...

If you knew the best of what I think you'd have a really swollen head and your red nose would be too tight. On the other hand, it's best you just leave it one of life's little mysteries. ;)

LatteGirl: I had three of her CD's playing this morning while I was writing. She came to mind when I was thinking about think-worthy blogs. So did you but I thought I'd see if I ever hear back from the webmaster of her site. Just for fun.