It's about a 16 year old girl (definitely a girl, very young and emotional) who buys herself a very life-like male robot. It's meant to be a musician/ sex toy. But she sees it as human. I think she has that "I will fix/ save him" syndrome. Whether it's a bad boy or a sick boy, we've all done it.
I like the robot man idea. I could get used to having a man around when I need or just wanted one. The rest of the time he could be stashed out of the way, without complaint. Handy.
I've written fiction along these lines but that was for the adult site so I won't link to it here. (It's just my little secret).
If you had a robot lover would you care about his feelings? Would you assume it/ he even had any or would you see it more as just another appliance? I'd prefer one that could run on solar or wind power. Thinking of the environment and the cost of all those batteries and the electric bill. Solar would be best as it would be nice to take him outside and play around. Though if you live in a city it wouldn't be quite the same. (There are laws about stuff like that).
The book was good. I'd try for a better book report but I burned out on doing book reviews a long time ago. It's not easy coming up with something unique for every book about almost the same thing.
I'm glad to be reading science fiction though. There are only so many romance novels you can handle in one lifetime. Besides, I finally began to outgrow my own inner 16 year old girl. I think she got bored, silly twit. I've been reading some horror too. Nothing violent, graphic and gruesome. I like horror with a twist of science fiction. Something that makes the gears in your brain turn at least a few times.
I wouldn't give away your secrets. :)
Well . . . I like the wind power part. 8^) But before you go down that road, check out He, She and It by Marge Piercy. Top-notch sci-fi on a relationship with an artificial man.
Thomas O. Gray
American Wind Energy Association
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