
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

One Hand Clapping

Is the sound of your own voice like one hand clapping?

I am still trying to figure out this business thing. Ideally I would be running my own publication, on the web. With perhaps another writer or someone to get advertisting would be even better. I like to do promotions, not so much going out there and grabbing clients. Promotions can be a more distant thing. Putting up ads, writing emails and so on. But, anything like cold calls leaves me cold. I can make myself do it.

Anyway, I think everything I do is like talking to myself, just listening to the sound of my own voice, one hand clapping. I feel I am missing the big picture, the boat, somewhere. Maybe it’s just that I am pushing myself to find the answer instead of just having it surprise me when I least suspect it. So often when we push ourselves our brain rebels and we get nowhere.

Maybe the best answer is to take the option of going back to school. But, it may not work out for practical reasons like money (not paying for the courses but for every day expenses) and the fact that really… how long can you count on a 13 year old car to make a half hour drive there and back each weekday?

Scary… scary… scary…. but thus is life.

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