Think of some of the border guards you've encountered. Would you trust them with a gun, a real one.
From CTV.ca news site:
Conservative justice critic Vic Toews announced Wednesday that Canadian border guards will be armed as soon as possible.
"I think they need to be armed," B.C.'s Solicitor General John Les said, according to CP. "We sometimes have some not very nice people who want to try and get into our country."
So lets shoot em up! I'm thinking of my Mom here. She brings back plants from her stay in Florida. She's 62, travels alone, a real dangerous character. I know for a fact that she's had days when she wasn't very nice.
Maybe Canada just wants to get rid of their aging population. After all, there are only so many ice flows to go round.
Canada's border services union threatened to strike in 2005 in an effort to force the government to provide them with guns in order to protect themselves.
Maybe I should buy a gun to protect myself once she gets here.
Where does it end? Should kids in school have guns, fashion accessories, to protect themselves.
Can I get a lasso with that? How about a side of spurs and a few beers, buddy! Maybe a shot in the dark for the road.
My friend was at a shooting range recently, he told me that he was there because his girlfriend's father was going and he wanted points with him. So he's trying it out just as a challenge to hit the target, and the coach guy behind him says, "Well you didn't get a bullseye, but he wouldn't be getting up from that one." My friend left.
He accidentally shot his girlfriend's father.
The problem with bringing out more guns is that it just keeps accelerating. People get bigger guns, faster guns, stronger guns. Then authority decides they need to have even bigger, faster and stronger guns - more than the 'bad guys'. How does it end? Not bloody well.
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