"The creative process is not computer software that provides all the answers at the click of a mouse. Rather, the process is a mysterious beast who comes to sit by your side and befriend you only after you've stroked and fed it every day for a long, long time. This beast demands your care and nuturing, it wants to build up your trust, and it craves your love, because in truth, that beast is you. More people don't create than do because they cannot give themselves that critical extra bit of love." - Suzanne Falter-Barnes
At the end of this chapter was a writing exercise: write down (for three minutes) everything you are passionate about. Here are mine.
-ideas -philosophy - marketing/ promotion
-old things -buildings - gadgets
-pirates -dragons
-sewing - creating - stitching -embroidery -quilting
-the rain - water -ocean, lake
-fire -wood -stone, rock, pebbles
-growing things -garden
-places -history -culture
-women as a culture -traditions
-nature -outdoors
-ice cream
-travel -backpacking -road trips
-Internet -web building
-optimism -cheery - positive
-singing/ dancing alone
-drawing -art - graphics -ASCII art
-nights and mornings
-mysteries -unknown -Wicca -possibilities -science fiction
-Victoria Holt and Shirley Jackson style writing/ books
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