
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Customer Service Abuse

It was Thursday... I don't think I had this many people spazzing and yelling at me even when I was a telemarketer. The real joke is that these people called me for help. However, the joke is on them. I didn't really try to help any of the real jerks. Why should I? Let them just stew in their own juices with phones, TV and Internet that don't work. If you can't talk to me like an adult go suck your thumb in some dark corner and leave the grown ups alone.

I was sitting, waiting for the bus to get home tonight and I felt like one raw nerve. I had to think about something else to keep from crying. My eye sockets feel like dried, raw, paint from looking at the computer screen all day and trying to read the fine print in instructions and guides for those who don't want to do it for themselves. That part I don't mind and I even understand. I don't like reading the manual either. But the people who rant and rave will get nothing but someone who listens and waits for the best way to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

I had an email to write about abuse for a blog event today. I guess I've done it. I'd add other forms of day to day abuse we may or may not think of. Road rage being one. what is so wrong with people that they take out problems and frustrations on someone else to the extent that they leave another person (a bystander most often) bleeding and crying in pain??? Get a grip for your own sake. That person you just screamed at might see you walking to the bus and not think twice about knocking you down just as easily as you knocked them down on the phone.

Plus... you stupid bastards... bet you never thought about the fact that I've got your account information on my screen. I can see your phone number, your cell number, your mailing/ street address and very often your credit card and social insurance number too. Think twice before you open your mouth! You're the one with your bare ass hanging out as far as I'm concerned.

So, the moral of the story is... next time you want to scream at someone over the phone SHUT YOUR MOUTH really tight, hold your nose and count to ten, or thirty, or whatever it takes. Don't abuse someone just cause they seem to be so far away and such a safe bet over the phone. I've got you like a little bug under a microscope. When the shoe hits you won't even know where it came from.

Don't abuse customer service people. We CAN fight back, if we choose to do so.

Now... because I'm still feeling stressed and pissed off... one final word... fuckwad! It just had to be said. I have no idea what it really means it just feels right.


Miranda said...

I couldn't agree more!! I used to work at Subway and people just demolish (no idea if that is how you spell that) your spirits for the day. Just because all you are is a person who works at a fast food place, you don't have any importance, that used to REALLY piss me off. I still get the odd person at the pet store that I work at, but nearly as bad as I did at Subway and my other job, Alia, a clothing store, BRUTAALLL!!!

But yesss, just so you know, I am always nice to telemarketers ... just to put that out there ... hahaha. But yeahh, very unique cause, I love it!!!

Laura Brown said...

I was a dept store cashier for three years. It was kind of nice to take petty revenge on the jerks (though most people were great to ok). Anyone who acted like a blowhard jerk never got a discount from me. I put things through at whatever they came up at even when I knew they were marked on sale. Made it a lot easier to grin and bear it with them spewing and ranting about some piddly thing.

lattégirl said...

Guilty as charged, I'm afraid. Hell Canada made me life so miserable in so many ways (billing errors/overcharging, overall incompetence) that on at least 2 occasions I did scream at them.

One time, though, I pleaded with a customer service rep, telling her I was about to burst into tears if she didn't help me. (That worked very well.)

Anonymous said...

Hi i dont wanna give my name
I work on the customer service desk at M&S , Ive had so much abuse sickens me its just totally sad . i had a guy who came to my desk and said wow you dont get many of them to the pound meaning my breasts and then went to get is wife to show her i told my manager she just laughed . ive had stuff thrown in my face . so much verbal abbuse . what i wanna tell you is that a women said to me i hope you sleep well in your bed tonight you bitch , really hurt me so it just came out of me and i said no your the bitch , so now im on a hearing tomorow at work might loose my job . we need to stop abbuse on customer service . i feel like a criminal .

Anonymous said...

So rather than help the guy who's obviously frustrated at getting screwed by your company, you would prefer to continuing messing with the guy so he calls back later and yells at someone else?
I dealt with apple and AT&T for almost two years. I spent 4 hours tonight jumping hoops and the last guy blatently lied to me and hung up on me. I got his name. They have a recording of the call. They are replacing my out of warrenty Iphone for free. And this dickwad, as you say, will probably get fired - sooner or later. Who wins? Do you really win by making your co workers suffer the abuse you spread back on your customers? Does the company win by losing a customer? Does the customer win by getting your defective product fixed? No one wins. Be careful that karma doesn't run that bus over you as you push someone aside to get on the bus!

Laura Brown said...

This original post is from 2007, over 2 years old. I quit the technical support job awhile ago. I don't miss it and I really don't miss helping any one.

Laura Brown said...

PS- If it were my company I would have sold it and retired.

Shane Andrews said...

I remembered one of my friends' story about the abuse on customer service. So there he was just minding his own business, doing his job and just answering calls, when all of a sudden he received this one call that wrecked his day. The caller was obviously irate. But this was no ordinary irate customer. This was a crazy irate customer. She started by asking for why she could not withdraw her money from the ATM machine. Then she asked to be patched to the American branch. The thing is, my agent friend was already starting to explain that she should dial a 1900 number. She refuses, goes cussing and shouting that she does not even let my agent friend talk or explain. She keeps calling even and keeps going ballistic calling all Filipinos stupid crooks even though she is (or at least was) a Filipino herself. It's really frustrating to think that a lot of people don't even think before they open their mouth or putting their selves in customer reps' shoes.